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Self-Working Handkerchief Magic
Karl Fulves

Bestellnummer: 20-2608
Unser Preis: € 10,00
inkl. 7% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten


61 Foolproof Tricks

For magicians wishing to start a magic act with a dramatic visual effect, there is no better choice than a handkerchief trick. In fact, such airy bits of baffling illusion are among the most graceful and sophisticated tricks in the magician's repertoire.

This book is a treasury of handkerchief tricks that are easy to perform. Karl Fulves, one of today's foremost authorities on "self-working" tricks (i.e., tricks that do not require special feats of dexterity or long hours of practice), has collected 61 of the finest self-working handkerchief tricks and presented them in this easy-to-follow, well-illustrated guidebook.

After a brief introductory chapter describing necessary materials and helpful hints on handling the "tools of the trade," the author proceeds to the tricks themselves. Over 500 clear illustrations and step-by-step directions show you exactly how to execute such "sleights of silk" as making handkerchiefs appear (and disappear), penetrating handkerchiefs with solid objects, cutting and restoring handkerchiefs, creating animated figures and performing a variety of combined card and handkerchief tricks.

Newcomers to this mystical art will quickly learn techniques for these astonishing illusions:
Threading the Needle
Houdini's Coat
Paper Bag Vanish
Switch over
Decapitated Knot
He Found It!
Crazy Compass
Silk from Silk
Pop Up
The Mouse
Spooky Spoon
Produce a Wand
Zombie Card Rise
and 47 more!

No previous experience is necessary and most tricks require only a simple handkerchief. A few use uncomplicated apparatus constructed from cardboard or paper. Almost all can be mastered in a short time. With this book and a little praactice you'll soon be dazzling friends and relatives with an impressive array of handkerchief hocus-pocus.

Englischsprachiges Buch, kartoniert, 13,5 x 21,5 cm, 192 Seiten, 509 Abbildungen.

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