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Tales from the Uncanny Scot / Book & DVD Set
Ron Wilson

Bestellnummer: 20-4799
Unser Preis: € 38,50
inkl. 7% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten


In a career spanning over seven decades, Ron Wilson has had a magical life. Born and raised in Dundee, Scotland, he traveled the world with his comedic brand of conjuring, working in virtually every imaginable performing situation.

During his decades in show business, Ron Wilson has crossed paths with countless fascinating people, both in and out of the world of magic. His close friends have included such legendary figures as Dai Vernon, Cary Grant and Billy McComb, and less known (but no less fascinating) characters such as Jim Carazini, Luke McKissack and Jamal Rofeh. Their stories range from the intriguing to the tragic to the uproarious-and this book is packed with them!

In addition to personal reminiscences in abundance, there are over 250 photographs, many of them being published for the very first time.

This book is more than a wonderful read. It is also an important contribution to recent magical history, providing an intimate encounter with the key players in the story of the Magic Castle during its most influential years. To enter again the unforgettable company of such as Jay Ose and Cary Grant, Dai Vernon and Billy McComb is to be reminded of that halcyon time when through the energies of the Larsen family the Castle became the total focus of the magic world. Ron Wilson played a major part in making that happen. If you weren't there at the time, here is your chance to catch up on what you missed. If you were, there may well be a tear of nostalgia in your eye as you read through these pages. But along the way you will laugh out loud and be ready to give the author a standing ovation by the end.
John Fisher

You are cordially invited to join in a remarkable journey through time: magical tales, recounted by a real wizard. Over the years, Ron Wilson has shared friendships with legendary figures both in and out of the world of conjuring. By the time you finish this delightful memoir, you'll feel like Ron has known just about everyone, and done just about everything. And, for all intents and purposes, he really has! Having witnessed Ron get a standing ovation for a Magic Castle close-up show, and command the full attention of a strip club audience that was hardly expecting to see the likes of him, I can attest to his expertise as a performer. He has also been a highly successful teacher, booker, magi-politician, and raconteur. The last-mentioned role is amply displayed in this delightful book, wherein you'll learn a lot more about the other stuff!
Max Maven

Englischsprachiges Buch, Festeinband mit Schutzumschlag, Format 16 x 23,5 cm, 196 Seiten.
PLUS: DVD „Tricks from the Uncanny Scot“.


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