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Psychology of Magic: From Lab to Stage
Gustav Kuhn & Alice Pailhes

Bestellnummer: 20-6710
Unser Preis: € 54,90
inkl. 7% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten


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Instantly improve your magic performances with the first-ever book offering concrete scientific evidence for becoming the best magician possible.

Operating out of the world’s only dedicated “Magic Lab”, renowned researchers Gustav Kuhn and Alice Pailhès spent nearly half a decade conducting groundbreaking research on how to make our magic better. They’ve compiled all of their revolutionary findings in this incredible, more than 300-page hardcover book: The Psychology of Magic: From Lab To Stage.

While other books have been written about the intersection of psychology and magic, none have been constructed as a practical guide for magicians. This one-of-a-kind text explores the psychological components of magic, offering scientific insights to better understand how our audiences experience a magic trick.

There’s no guesswork here. Instead, they’ve analyzed real-life examples to uncover the viable techniques needed to perform stronger magic.

We must emphasize that The Psychology of Magic is a practical guidebook, not a boring textbook. It doesn’t just list the evidence, but rather shows you how to use this information to start improving your magic immediately.

What makes The Psychology of Magic truly special is how Alice and Gustav present their findings. Each chapter is totally engrossing and fascinating. Although the findings are academic-based, it is not a science book. You don’t need a PhD to read it. Gustav and Alice write in a clear, concise, and easy-to-read style that has one, singular goal: to improve the magic you are already doing.

Despite its academic foundation, you are not buying a textbook filled with meaningless facts. The Psychology of Magic is a captivating guidebook that gives magicians the critical data they need, and then shows them exactly how to start applying it to their own magic right away.

Once you start reading, you won't be able to put it down. Each chapter is laid out in a clear, easy-to-digest format. The book itself is also stunning and continues Vanishing Inc.'s legacy as the gold standard among magic book publishers.

Some of the many innovative concepts you’ll learn include:

  • Exploiting psychology to improve forcing
  • Taking advantage of your audience’s blindspots
  • Understanding how visual illusions fool the brain
  • Elevating the impact of all your magic

Of course, as you’ve come to expect from us here at Vanishing Inc., the book itself is a thing of beauty. It’s a joy to read and will beam proudly on your shelf when you’re done.

Any magician looking to become the best possible version of themselves, and discover what it takes to make an unforgettable impression on every audience must grab a copy of The Psychology of Magic: From Lab to Stage by Gustav Kuhn and Alice Phailès.

It’s time to make your magic better… with science.


  • Introduction
  • The Science of Magic Endeavour
  • Magic Theory: Definitions and Taxonomies
  • Blind Spots and How to Exploit Them
  • Visual Illusions
  • Memory Illusions
  • A Path of Least Resistance: Decision Forces
  • Illusions of Control: Outcome Forces
  • Framing Magic
  • Why Do We Enjoy Magic?
  • Conclusion
  • References

A comprehensive, insightful, and excellent account of the complex relationship between psychology and magic. Perfect for any magician who is curious about magic and the mind.
Richard Wiseman

In magic, psychology is as important as sleight-of-hand and presentation. If creatively combined by an inspired performer, the result will be artistic magic. In their remarkable book, Kuhn and Pailhès base their insights on years of field study, and offer a different and novel angle of looking at the complex ways the mind creates the false reality necessary to experience.
Roberto Giobbi

Wonderful scientific insights into the psychology of magic. An essential read for any serious magician!
Derren Brown

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* Alle auf dieser Seite ausgewiesenen Preise verstehen sich inkl. gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer und zuzüglich Versandkosten.

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