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Reading Writing
Ariel Frailich

Bestellnummer: 20-5305
Unser Preis: € 39,90
inkl. 7% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten


There is nothing more powerful than a personalized reading.

If you do readings for friends and colleagues, you'll become more popular and meet new people. If you do a reading in your mentalism or magic act, you'll enjoy greater rapport with your audience-especially with women. People will line up to get a reading or even to hire you for their next event. And if you do readings professionally, you'll have a fun and lucrative second career. Imagine getting paid to spend an evening chatting with people and handing out your business card!

Because handwriting analysis is based on psychology, it is more believable and acceptable than divination systems. In fact, it opens doors that remain closed to other kinds of readers.

Handwriting analysis also has the advantage of being usable as a presentational device for the modern 'psycho-babble' style of mentalism, as performed by Derren Brown, Banachek, and Marc Salem, among others. As Lee Earle put it: "[Handwriting analysis] will be the hot premise for a lot of future Mentalism because it bridges the gap between the believable and the impossible."

Reading Writing contains:

  • a complete course in handwriting analysis that you can master in a week
  • how to do readings and why they work
  • markets and opportunities for making money with handwriting analysis
  • a dozen mentalism experiments with fun, psychological presentations that include, or revolve around, handwriting analysis: determining favorites, lie detection, a prediction, a book test, matching writing to writer, even a murder mystery, and more
  • half a dozen magic tricks in which handwriting is a central part of the effect, including a novel ambitious card routine, a magical psychological test, and even a trick in which the spectator and the magician exchange identities!
  • and more.

Whether you want to make more money, add something different and interesting to your magic or mentalism act, or simply expand your social circle, Reading Writing is a book not to be missed.  

Englischsprachiges Buch, Festeinbad, Format 16 x 23,5 cm, 192 Seiten.

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