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Mental Dice
Tony Anverdi

Bestellnummer: 44-6363
Unser Preis: € 324,50
inkl. 19% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten


Demo-Video anzeigen

Bei uns mit einer DEUTSCHSPRACHIGEN 15-seitigen, fotoillustrierten Anleitung mit allen Informationen zur Handhabung
sowie 5 ZUSÄTZLICHEN ROUTINEN für 3 Würfel. Darüberninaus gibt es noch 7 deutschsprachige Anleitungen für Effekte mit einem Würfel!

Sie händigen den Zuschauern drei Würfel unterschiedlicher Farben aus. Obwohl Sie den Zuschauern den Rücken kehren, können Sie für jeden Würfel sagen, welche Zahl nach oben zeigt!

Ein klassischer Effekt, dank hochmoderner Technologie und bester Materialien in bester denkbarerer Ausführung – ein 100%-Produkt!

Und das beste: Die Möglichkeiten für Mental Dice gehen weit hinaus über die Standardroutine: „Ich kenne Ihre Zahl!“ Daher werden Ihnen noch mehrere weitere Routine mit völlig anderen Themen vermittelt:
  • Ein Zuschauer würfelt mehrere Lebensmittel aus, also nach dem Zufallsprinzip. Sie jedoch haben exakt diese Lebensmittel bereits eingekauft!
  • Ein „Stühletest“ (keine „Stuhlprobe“ 😊), bei dem Sie nicht nur die gewürfelten Zahlen voraussagen, sondern auch, auf welchem Stuhl Ihre Zuschauer Platz nehmen werden.
  • Eine Routine zum Thema „Freier Wille“, bei der Sie genau voraussagen, wo jeder Würfel platziert werden wird.
  • Eine ACAAN (Any Card At Any Number) Routine, bei welcher die frei gewählte Karte an der ausgewürfelten Position im Spiel liegt.
    Einer Routine zum Mental Epic Thema (Drei-Felder-Vorhersagetafel) ohne jedes Forcieren!
Sie erhalten das komplette Mental Dice Set inkl. Zugang zum englischsprachigen Online-Video mit Vorführung und Erklärung für zuvor genannte Routinen sowie die bereits erwähnte deutschsprachige Anleitung!

Achtung - WICHTIG:

Wie Sie der Abbildung ennehmen können, zeigt der Empfänger Ihnen die jeweilige Augenzahl optisch an! Mittlerweile ist dieser Effekt auch als MENTAL DIE in einer Version mit nur 1 Würfel erhältlich und einem Empfänger, der die Augenzahl durch Vibration anzeigt. Sie tragen den Empfänger am Körper und müssen nicht hinsehen.

Diesen Empfänger können Sie auch für MENTAL DICE, also dieses 3-Würfel-Set verwenden! Der Empfänger kann so programmiert werden, dass Sie unterscheiden können, auf welchen der drei Würfel sich das Signal bezieht!


You hand out three dice, each of a different color. Even though your back is turned, you know with confidence which number has been chosen on EACH colored die. This classic effect has been 100% upgraded with today's modern technology and materials. However, the possibilities are endless. Way beyond the typical "I know your number" routines. And we included some creative routines to get you started.


3 Standard Size Dice:

The dice are standard "Gaming" size.
Each measuring only 0.625 Inches / 1.58 Centimeters!
These are 100% standard looking dice raising no suspicion when used.
Like regular dice, they can be rolled together or in a cup without worries of chipping them.

Wireless Charging:

No need to purchase new dice when you run out of a charge! EACH die is equipped with the most advanced wireless charging technology.
Charging platform and USB cord is included for on-the-go performers.


This tiny receiver has been designed from the ground up. Large display screen yet it can be hidden behind a finger! Yes, you read that right. This amazing receiver can be hidden in or behind almost anything! PLUS, work in low light conditions without worry of a "glow".


The in-depth tutorials include everything you need to know about your Mental Dice. PLUS 7 amazing routines to get you started that go WAY beyond the normal, "I can guess the number on your die".

In addition to the BASIC routine, you will learn amazing routines and performances such as:

A routine where the spectator rolls the die, and randomly selects several food items...but somehow you have incredibly pre-purchased EVERY item THEY selected.

A chair test where not only where you reveal their numbers, but you have predicted WHAT chair they will sit in.

A FREE WILL routine where you predict exactly where each color die will be placed.

ACAAN where the freely selected card ends up at the position rolled by the dice.

A MENTAL EPIC style routine that uses NO FORCING.

PLUS: A special EXCLUSIVE bonus look into Anverdi's original Mental Die with Chuck Caputo, the leading historian on Anverdi.


Power Levels:

Each time the receiver is activated, the display shows the power level of the receiver itself as well as EACH individual die.


These dice perform with incredible accuracy. No need to wonder about misfires.

Shut Off:

Receiver "talks" to the dice. When you are ready to shut down your set, simply hold down the ON/OFF switch and dice will shut down!

Sleep Mode:

You have the ability to put the receiver in "sleep" mode during a performance to conserve battery life. The "wake-up" is instantaneous.


You can comfortably use your dice up to 40+ feet (12 Meter) from receiver.

Battery Life:

Unbelievably long lasting batteries. You will rarely have to charge your dice or receiver.


Everything has been produced of high-grade materials for lifelong use.


Includes interview about Anverdi's original Mental Dice from Chuck Caputo, the leading historian on Anverdi.


"No words can explain how amazing this is. This is a whole other level of creativity...Make way for the GREATEST trick of 2019, 2020, 2021.......and beyond!"
-Manoj Kaushal, Reviewer

"Wow! One word - Amazing! Murphy's Magic went above and beyond in the creation of this effect, from packaging to design. The advanced micro electronics are astounding and most importantly RELIABLE! I have been collecting and using Anverdi magic for over 35 years and this miracle has taken his genius to the next level. Tony Anverdi would be proud."
- Chuck Caputo

"This is a must have weapon in every mind reader's arsenal."

"AMAZING! I can see so many possibilities with this!"
-Shin Lim

"OMG! This feels like it was developed by Steve Jobs!"
- Richard Sanders

"Your jaw will drop the moment you remove the lid off the box. And when you start playing with this incredible product - your jaw will drop again!! The design - from packaging to product, is amazing!"
- Menny Lindenfeld

"I'm an absolute zero-prop guy especially when it comes to electronics in mentalism, yet, here I am. To say that; Anverdi's Mental Dice kick ass. Everything has been thoroughly thought out. Everything! I am deeply impressed. A must-buy for the working pro. "
- Phedon Bilek

"Anverdi is one of mentalism's often overlooked pioneers. Creating methods that were years ahead of his time. It's fantastic to see Murphys Magic Supplies reintroduce these wonderful items to the community and give credit to the original creator, Anverdi. It is also thrilling to see them push the effects and technology to the next level with innovation that is as cutting edge today as Anverdi himself was in his time. Mental Dice will offer the astute performer an endless number of high-impact, direct mind reading routines that will astonish and entertain. "
- Luke Jermay

"The packaging alone is more deceptive than most magic products. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that every single magician or mentalist in the world will absolutely love this. It's a KILLER!"

"When I heard rumors about Anverdi's Mental Dice being available, but on another level, I jumped on a plane to Greece for a private demonstration. I kept saying throughout the demonstration, "Wow, wow and wow!" It is truly incredible, so many possibilities. So useable and so unbelievably affordable! X wants to buy them all for himself."
- Marc Spelmann & 'X'

"I have owned every electronic dice I can get my hands on. THIS takes the gold. It will be going straight into my everyday carry."
- Marc Lavelle

"I have a passion for electronics, my collection in technological mentalism and magic is huge. This is the best mental dice I have ever seen; I can't think of anything that would make this better."
- Titanas

"Tony Anverdi-Mental Dice is a technologically powerful and natural tool that, in the correct hands and minds, can facilitate beautiful moments of magic and mentalism. It looks like it should, and the level of engineering is Elon Musk-level."
- Pablo Amira

"I have rarely seen a trick as strong as Anverdi's Mental Dice. With this, you will have a miracle in your hands wherever you go. Thank you, Mr. Anverdi, for the genius of Mental Dice!"
- JP Vallarino

"Murphy's Magic has evolved Anverdi's Mental Dice to the James Bond level! Very well thought out, ESPECIALLY the packaging! I GUARANTEE, you will start screaming the moment you unbox it! Get this, and you will feel very proud you own it!!."
- Finix Chan

"Everything about this release is next level. The tech, the natural props, the wireless recharge and so much more. As someone who has played with everything on the market I am blown away!"
- Bro Gilbert

"I can't believe the size of the dice. They look so real and I can wirelessly charge them? Are you kidding me?? All this for $295? I'll have 2 please!"
- Luca Volpe

"Anverdi's Mental Dice from Murphy's is a true piece of magical artistry. The unboxing is an experience in itself... Best I have ever seen! "
- Mark Southworth

"These dice have more technology than Apollo 11 that landed on the moon, Anverdi must have been a time traveler."
- Tobias Dostal

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