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World Class Manipulation for Coins, Balls & Thimbles 1
Jeff McBride

Bestellnummer: 90-4119
Unser Preis: € 36,50
inkl. 19% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten


Jeff McBride is one of the greatest sleight-of-hand experts in the world. His extensive knowledge of manipulative magic is unparalleled. Awarded Magician of the Year by Hollywood's famed Magic Castle, Jeff is recognized as a foremost innovator of our time. As a teacher, he is an engaging spokesman on the meaning of magic and its place in contemporary culture. Jeff McBride's teaching style will help you to transcend your tricks and create a new form of magic theater. Millions of people worldwide recognize Jeff McBride from his many television appearances on The World's Greatest Magic, Champions of Magic and Star Trek DS-9. His unique blend of showmanship and magic has been seen at many of the world's largest theaters, including Radio City Music Hall and Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas. Now McBride shares with the magic world for the first time, many never before disclosed techniques of the master manipulators. Jeff leads you step by step through this fascinating world of "digital" effects, and gives you the tools you need to become your best. A lifetime of manipulative masterpieces is contained in this unique three-volume series.

Intention & Dedication

COINS: The Coin Roll; Types of Coins to Use; Coin Productions; The Downs Palm; Multi-Downs Palm; The Thumb Clip; Backpalm; Front Clip; Masters & Mentors; Coins to Pocket; Jumbo Coin Production; McBride's Jumbo Coin Change; Rehearsing on Video; The Miser's Dream Routine; Pails & Loading Techniques; Coin Penetration; Pantomime Toss; Basic Sleights; Advanced Sleights; The Shake-Up; Streamlining & Simplicity.

THIMBLES: Finger & Thimble Magic; Types of Thimbles to Use; Basic Vanish & Reproduction; Thumb Palm; Downs Palm; Retention Vanish; Basic Acquitment; Repeat Thimble Production; Finger Switch Technique; Confidence & Practice; Pinky-Dinky-Doo Vanish; Over-the-Top Vanish; Thumb Vanish; Costume, Props & Backdrops; In The Mouth!; The Pop-2 Versions; Repeat to Pocket; Jumbo Finale; Simple Flash Four Production; Infinite Thimble Routine; Silk Vanish; Thimbalistic (Bobby Baxter).

BALLS: Billiard Ball Performance; Types of Balls to Use; Basic Ball Techniques; Ball Roll; The French Drop; Vanish & Reproduction; Top-of-the-Fist Vanish; "V" Finger Vanish; Bottom-of-the-Fist Vanish; Flat-Palm Vanish; Toss Vanish; DeBiere Toss Vanish; Retention Vanish; Back-of-Hand Roll; Production ; Balls from Silk; Balls from Hand; Color Changes; Toss-Up Change; Drop-Down Change; Rollover Change; Slap-Down Change; Elevator Flourish; A Billiard Ball Routine; Shell Handling Techniques; Multiplying Sponge Balls; Troubleshooting; Card to Ball; Candle to Ball; Ball to Silk.

Englischsprachige DVD, running time 1 hr 42min.

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