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Five Points In Magic
Juan Tamariz

Bestellnummer: 20-4189
Unser Preis: € 39,95
inkl. 7% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten


Long out of print and widely sought after, The Five Points in Magic is Juan Tamariz's highly regarded study of the physical and psychological secrets that use the body to fool the mind. He shows in detail how each of these five possessions

  • The Eyes
  • The Voice
  • The hands
  • The Feet
  • The Body

can be marshaled to create entertaining and seemingly impossible happenings.

In The Five Points in Magic, Juan Tamariz teaches magicians that it is not the hands alone that deceive, but also the feet, the body, the eyes and the voice. It is only through a full understanding of all five of these tools of nature and communication that the conjurer can spin a complete web of illusion that traps and then transports his audiences into the astonishing realm he has prepared for them.

These five tools are essential and invaluable to the stage conjurer and the close-up magician alike, and they are clearly analyzed and taught by Tamariz from his vantage point of years of successful professional performance in both venues. Tamariz enhances the clarity of his ideas and explanations with solid examples drawn from his own repertoire. As the reader learns seminal principles, he also learns these professional effects and techniques

  • The Appearing card On Handkerchief
  • Crossing The Gaze
  • Double Crossing The Gaze
  • Al’s Topper ( A Book Test)
  • Protean Poker
  • Upper Cut (A Tamarisian Study Of Larry Jenning’s “Coin Cut”

There is no other book that so quickly, efficiently and entertainingly puts into the reader's hands the tools required to raise his performances to a level of true professionalism and draw his audiences into the world of magic.

The text and design of this new edition have been revised to provide added clarity for readers of this valuable modern classic of magic.

Englischsprachiges Buch, Festeinband, 94 Seiten.

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* Alle auf dieser Seite ausgewiesenen Preise verstehen sich inkl. gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer und zuzüglich Versandkosten.

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