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Secret Agenda
Roberto Giobbi

Bestellnummer: 20-4779
Unser Preis: € 59,95
inkl. 7% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten


A Day Book of Magical Secrets! Secret Agenda is your invitation to spend a year inside the head of Roberto Giobbi!

There, for every day of that year, you will open a fresh door in Giobbi's mind and have something surprising and enriching spring out to greet you—a new trick, sleight, technique, refinement, performance tip, business strategy, concept or insight, drawn from the thoughts, experience and notebooks of a full-time international performer and one of magic’s great teachers.

With Secret Agenda, Roberto Giobbi, the world-renowned author of the Card College and Card College Light series, has written an invaluable text for his fellow magicians, and one entirely unlike anything in the literature of magic.

Secret Agenda contains 366 articles, one for each day of the year (plus one extra for leap years). The reader is invited to read just one of these articles a day—enjoying, learning, absorbing or being challenged by fresh thoughts and information—throughout an entire year.

For over four decades, Roberto Giobbi! has devoted his life to exploring the world of magic, learning deeply about it from its vast international literature and the greatest magicians. Those whose unpublished work Giobbi draws on include Fred Kaps, Ascanio, Juan Tamariz, Lennart Green, Vanni Bossi, David Williamson and many others.

Over the years Giobbi has methodically, meticulously, exhaustively kept records of all he has learned. Secret Agenda is more than the work of one performer. It is an accumulation of priceless information, gathered from the finest minds in magic, past and present, laid out idea by idea, day by day, for the reader to enjoy and profit by.

While the material presented addresses in part the expected field of card magic, it covers much more: coin and close-up magic, platform and stage conjuring, theory, philosophy and humor. Secret Agenda is wide in scope, with invaluable information and insights for all magicians.

We have attempted to give a work of such uniqueness a fitting format. Secret Agenda is a large, sumptuous volume, indexed, bound in ornately foil-stamped cloth, and includes a book ribbon—a volume comfortable to the hand and inviting to the mind, offering pleasure for much more than one year, and advice for a lifetime.

Englischsprachiges Buch, Festeinband, Format , 424 Seiten.


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* Alle auf dieser Seite ausgewiesenen Preise verstehen sich inkl. gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer und zuzüglich Versandkosten.

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