Move objects with your mind, pass coins through tables, escape police restraints, and reveal other people's thoughts! Diamond Jim Tyler shows how to transform an ordinary act into a truly entertaining show. Learn 29 routines that indude several original tricks as weIl as many tried-and-true crowd pleasers.
Written für beginners and used by pros, this guide is designed for illusionists performing in small venues -bars, restaurants, and other places where audiences will be watching from dose range. Its tricks für every type of magician indude a variety of routines involving cards, money, fire, mind-reading, and comedy. Diamond Jim offers tips on patter and a helpful glossary of magic jargon.
More than 300 photographs illustrate his easy-to-follow instructions.
Unabridged republication of “Pockets full of Miracles”, originally published by Diamond Jim Productions.
Foreword by Jon Racherbaumer. Introduction by Jeff Davis.