Over 150 pages! 60 contributions! 5 months in production! This is a big book in every sense. Packed with original routines and essays, and lavishly illustrated throughout. This is one book which NO children's entertainer is going to want to be without. Just look at the contributors, a list which reads like a Who's Who of children's entertainment:
Ian Adair, Dave Allen, Richard Anderson, Mike Bent, Trixie Bond, The estate of Ali Bongo, Boretti, Jozo Bozo, John Breeds, Greg Britt, Ali Cardabra, Jimmy Carlo, Julie Carpenter, David Charles, Paul Daniels, Ken & Sue De Courcy, Jack Delvin, Steve Dimmer, Gary Dunn, Pat Fallon, Clive Fishlock, Michael Fitch, David Ginn, Tony Griffith, Terry Herbert, Andres Hinojoa, Tommy James, David Kaye, John Kimmons, Joaquin Kotkin, Duane Laflin, Ethan Leeds, Russell Leeds, Mark Leveridge, Trevor Lewis, Gay Ljungberg, Ricky McLeod, Paul Megram, Barry Mitchell, Oscar Munoz, The estate of Patrick Page, Dennis Patten, Steen Pegani, Scott Penrose, Craig Petty, Ron Popple, Poz, Vanni Pule, Conny Ray, Quentin Reynolds, Doug Scheer, Ken Scott, Alan Shaxon, Steve Short, Tim Sonefelt, Sean Taylor, Steve Taylor, David Tomkins, Chris Wardle, Neville Wiltshire.
There's a Foreword by the President of the Magic Circle, Jack Delvin, editing is by Jeremy Le Poidevin of Practical Magic, and the artwork and layout has been devised by John Breeds, whose book How To Create Kids' Magic And Triple Your Income proved a bestseller.
As if all that wasn't enough, all profits from the book are going to global children's charities to help the most disadvantaged. By buying this book, not only will you be getting your hands on some fabulous material, you'll be doing a LOT of good as well!
Englischsprachiges Buch, kartoniert, Großformat 21 x 27 cm, 158 Seiten, durchgehend illustriert mit s/w-Fotos und Zeichnungen.