This definitive work features instructions for hundreds of classic, audience-pleasing manipulative and impromptu illusions. Entertain your friends, acquire magic skill, and build your self-confidence by mastering tricks like for example these:
Coin Magic
- Downs Palm
- False Drop
- Fist Vanish
- Palm-to-Palm Change
Billiard Ball Magic
- Fingertip and Fist Productions
- French Drop
- Change-overs, Transfers and Flashes
- Two-Way Twirl
- Special Color Change
Thimble Magic
- Color Changes
- Thumb and Thimble
- Four-to-Eight Production
- Productions and Vanishes
Mental Magic
- Message Reading
- Through the Crystal
- Cards and Dice
- Number Prediction
- Sixth Card-Sixth Sense
Matchbox Magic
- Modern Magnetic Matches
- Matchbox Vanish
- Penetrating Matches
- Turnabout Heads
Table Magic
- Magic Sugar Lumps
- Coins Through Table
- Magnetic Pencils
- Salt Vanish
Special Effects
- Coin Through Handkerchief
- Triple-Knot Trick
- Okito Coin Box
- Restored Paper Napkin
- Color-Changing Silk
Englischsprachiges Buch, kartoniert, Format 18 x 25 cm, 426 Seiten, illustriert mit s/w-Fotos.