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Finding The Funny
Ryan Pilling

Bestellnummer: 20-5244
Unser Preis: € 12,00
inkl. 7% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten


Statt 20,-- € nur noch 12,-- €!

A Professional Entertainer's Guide to Improvisation, Ad-Libs, and Audience Interaction.

Learn the techniques to creating inspired moments of comedy, and getting the best out of your audience volunteers.

This guidebook will help the practiced magician, juggler, clown and other entertainers add the sparkle of spontaneity to their performances.

You'll learn the techniques to developing a quick wit and discovering opportunities for comedy at every turn. It covers strategies for adding funny moments into your show, and practice techniques for sharpening your skills. How to write and develop new routines using improvisation. The secrets to letting every audience volunteer be at their best to create hilarious moments of comedy and interaction.

If you want to improve your performances, and have a stronger connection with your audiences, this book will help you get you there.

Content Sections:

  • Choose To Improvise: A frank talk about whether or not you want to walk this performance path, and why the answer should be "Yes!"
  • Nuts & Bolts of Improvisation: The three, and only three, critical steps to spontaneous success.
  • Real World Improvisation: How theses skills apply to your performances.
  • Improvising Your Way Out Of Problems: The secret to making it seem like "it's all a part of the show", no matter what happens.
  • Writing Through Improvisation: How to discover original routines and ideas with as little conscious effort as possible.
  • Practicing Improvisation: Simple techniques you can work on daily to develop your comedy muscles and habits.
  • How To Begin Improvising: Taking baby steps and removing fear.
  • Working With Audience Members: The biggest section in the book, outlining step-by-step the key points to working with audience volunteers and making them the highlight of your show.
  • Wrapping It Up: One last note before you get to work.

Englischsprachiges Buch, kartoniert, Format 15 x 23 cm, 61 Seiten.

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* Alle auf dieser Seite ausgewiesenen Preise verstehen sich inkl. gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer und zuzüglich Versandkosten.

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