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Tom Frame

Bestellnummer: 20-5748
Unser Preis: € 69,90
inkl. 7% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten


So, what is Framework and why should you care? Well, the book is a collection of 34 of Tom's best card effects, created from 1978 to 2011. It's a 7" x 10" hard-back book with a full color dust jacket. It's 294 pages long, with 238 photographs.

  • Jon Racherbaumer wrote the Foreword.
  • Each copy includes custom gaffs for "Son of Hyper-Warp”!
  • The methods require an intermediate level of technical ability.
  • All of the effects include scripted presentations.
    With the exception of one item, all of the effects have previously appeared in print.
  • Several items appeared in various magazines.
    Tom resurrected five effects from Framed! because they deserve better treatment than they received in that the homely, obnoxious tome.
  • From his lecture notes, he included all of the effects from Scary Hotels and Sinister Ministrations and all but one effect from Covert Operations.
  • He snatched one of his very best effects from The Hypercard Project.
  • You'll also find two effects from Hold 'Em Magic.

In his latest book Framework, Tom Frame has assembled another fascinating collection of top-quality card magic. The serious card magician will find plenty of effects and ideas to mystify and entertain every type of audience.
Jason England

All other things being equal, what separates a magician from the rest of the crowd is choice of material. Card enthusiasts will find some strong contenders in the pages of Framework. I enjoyed it. I think you will, too.
Mike Close, MUM November 2015

Tom's elegant, thoughtful Framework will be a welcomed happy thing for the serious sleight of hand aficionado.
Paul Harris

Tom Frame's new book, Framework, has some magnificent routines, fun patter, and some great tweaks to some standard moves. I can honestly say I am a better cardician now than I was before reading this book.
Allan Ackerman

Englischsprachiges Buch, Festeinband, farbiger Schutzumschlag, Format ca. 19 x 26 cm, 294 Seiten, illustriert mit 238 Fotos.




















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