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Showbiz Master Plan
JC Sum

Bestellnummer: 20-5860
Unser Preis: € 56,50
inkl. 7% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten


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One of the biggest challenges that creative artists face is fully tapping the commercial potential of their skills and expertise. Maximizing earnings is often elusive for many performing artists and entertainers, regardless of the level of the act.


Have you ever felt:

  • You should be charging more for your shows but either feel you can't or are afraid to
  • You are losing gigs to competitors who are charging less than you
  • You have the talent and have worked incredibly hard at your art but are not getting that lucky break
  • You are not getting the recognition you deserve as a performing artist
  • You need greater financial stability and security, especially for your future
  • You have a fan following but are not making big money
  • Your career has stagnated and has not progressed in the last few years
  • You are not getting consistent bookings

If the above thoughts are on your mind, you are not alone. Many talented new and seasoned performing artists and entertainers around the world feel exactly the same way.

The goal of any entertainer is to bring joy to people but most will agree that making money is also important. While the notion of a struggling artist is a common perception of the realities of show business, it does not have to be the case.

The truth is; while there are many entertainers who barely make ends meet each month, there are also many entertainers around the world who make a decent living from their art or craft.

In fact, there are also many entertainers around the world who are very successful and financially comfortable. These highly successful entertainers may not be A-list international celebrities, movie stars or recording artists, but are giants in their respective specialized fields or cities/ countries.

One thing many of these entertainers have in common is the strategy and approach to their business and careers. They all understand that show business is not just about the show but also about the business.

Illusionist J C Sum, has spent the past twenty-three years (and counting) performing around the world and currently works as a headline entertainer primarily in Asia as well as Europe and the Middle East. J C has starred in his own network television series and made multiple international TV appearances. More than one hundred twenty million people have seen his magic live and on TV in twenty-six countries.

J C has written down everything he has learnt and practiced in the past two decades that has made him one of the very elite illusionists in Asia. The Showbiz Master Plan is a live entertainer's blueprint to creating a money-generating brand, making a consistent six-figure income and setting up for retirement.

This book is filled with incredible stories, practical advice, time-tested tips and market-proven action-steps on how to build a successful career as a performing artist and live entertainer.

With The Showbiz Master Plan, learn how to:

  • Be a successful creative entrepreneur
  • Build your brand
  • Dominate your niche market
  • Harness the power of positioning
  • Price and negotiate big money shows
  • Find your big break
  • Grow your Business
  • Get paid without performing
  • Invest for your future
  • Handle career challenges and failure

This book was written to benefit all types of entertainers such as: Aerialists, Balloon Artistes, Bands Circus Acts, Comedians, Contortionists, Dancers, Escape Artists, Face Painters, Hypnotists, Illusionists, Impersonators, Instrumentalists, Jugglers, Magicians, Mime artists, Musicians, Singers, Variety artists, Ventriloquists, Vocalists.

The Showbiz Master Plan is an essential-read! Consider it to be the oxygen to your career! Without it, you risk suffocating your performing career and retiring penniless; but when you apply what J C Sum writes, you'll experience real-world success beyond what you believed possible. He clearly articulates the 'business' in show business like very few have before him.David DaVinci, thrillusionist and headline entertainer, USA

When it comes to building a brand, developing successful marketing campaigns and running a successful business, J C Sum knows his stuff! The information in this book is invaluable to both those who are starting out in show business and to those who are seasoned pros but feel they deserve more out of their career. Follow his steps and you cannot fail to be more successful in your chosen area of entertainment. Stop learning new tricks for a moment and take the time to learn the blueprint to a successful career in entertainment! You won't regret it!
Keelan Leyser, digital technology and iPad magician, U.K. As featured on Britain's Got Talent and Penn & Teller's Fool Us

If you want to accelerate your journey to showbiz success, you NEED this book. Hands down the most comprehensive resource available today. Sam Powers, illusionist, Australia. As featured on Australia's Got Talent and The Illusionists 2.0


By studying and applying J C Sum's business and marketing insight over the past two years, my income from performing at events has increased five hundred percent. The Showbiz Master Plan is a single resource for all his information and knowledge to elevate your show business career. Jeff Teo, professional close-up magician, Hong Kong


As a successful artist, J C Sum consistently shows a creative vision in both the artistic and the business sides of his career. The results of this natural acumen speak for themselves. As a headline entertainer, I highly recommend The Showbiz Master Plan for any artists who are interested in gaining the knowledge that can help them to build and maintain a successful entertainment career. Jeremy Ansley, comedy juggler and headline entertainer, New Zealand


If I had a time machine, the first thing I would do is go back and give twenty-year-old me The Showbiz Master Plan. This treatise will take you from doing gigs to a full blown career! Fred Becker, corporate and cruise ship headline entertainer, U.S.A.


With The Showbiz Master Plan J C Sum answers all the questions every part-time or full-time professional in the entertainment business will ask himself at some time in his career. If you analyze J C's career and marketing efforts over the years you will clearly see that he holds nothing back and explains all the steps he took for himself to become one of Asia's most successful illusionists. You will not only understand what to do, but also why his advice will definitely work for you too. Ingo Brehm, illusionist, Germany. 2014 1st Place German Magic Champion, Stage Illusions


I have known J C for more than twenty years and I have seen him grow from being a magic hobbyist to one of the very top professional illusionists in Asia. What he says, he does. In The Showbiz Master Plan, he reveals all the secrets to being a highly successful entertainer, at different stages of your career. Highest recommendation! Joseph Then, comic ventriloquist, Singapore


J C Sum's The Showbiz Master Plan is a must-have for any serious entertainer. The information is first class, but better than that, it comes from someone who's been there and done it. J C's insight is priceless - do not pass this up! Work your way through this book then keep it by your side throughout your career and enjoy your success! Matt Daniel-Baker, magician, actor and writer, U.K.


The Showbiz Master Plan teaches you everything you need to take your career to the next level. This book is pure gold. A must-have for any serious entertainer. Learn from this amazing mentor. J C Sum is a true master. Claire Yistelle, corporate magician, France


Englischsprachiges Buch, Paperback, Format ca. 15 x 23 cm, 229 Seiten.

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