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Brain Games 2-Book-Set PLUS Downloads
Harvey Raft

Bestellnummer: 20-6336
Unser Preis: € 149,95
inkl. 7% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten


Harvey Raft is an underground mentalist and magician who, after more than forty years as a performer, is finally releasing his unique creations in TWO BOOKS. There are over 60 effects ranging from card magic and mind-reading using non-gaffed cards, as well as his original routines using gaffed decks which, for the first time, you are given access to and able to print your own. There are also chapters on Change Bag magic and a section of Christmas magic effects.

Book Two is unique in that it comes with access to PDFs of special cards that you can print at your local print shop. These range from decks of cards with Harvey's original designs for marked cards, or single cards used in novel ways. You will have access to 70 downloads.

The content ranges from self-working effects, math-style magic, non-card magic and themed magic using Movie cards, Zenner cards and more.

Book One:

Sensational Visualizational!
Bottom's Up
Psychic Computation
Just Weight
Super Hear-Say
Yu - Seddit
Card Cents
Go Figure
Gimee A High Five
Magic Circle
Especially For You Matchic
Total Recall
Perfect Ten
Mystic Impressions
Well Xecuted
It's In The Bag
Pop 'N' Go
Current Attraction
Year Two Date
Movie Magic
Change Bag Magic
Coloring Book
Sox Come In Pears
Card & Balloon
Lettered Beads
Cut & Restored Skipping Rope
Christmas Magic
Dove's Christmas House
Toys, Toys, Toys!
Santa's Christmas Party
Magic Christmas Ball

Book Two:

Picture This
It's In The Cards
It's In The Stars
All -For- One One- For -All
Incredible E.S.P.
Show Me The Weight
E.S.P.S. Surprise
Oodle Caboodle Mene-Tekel
Location, Location, Location
Mental Identification
Mental Connectivity
E.S.P. Lotto Pre-Determination
Rally 'Round The Flag
To The Nines
Figure It Out
Extra Sensory Telepathy
Rule Of Three
Oodle Caboodle
Xtra Zensory Perception
The Chosen One
X Marks The Spot
Zodiac Marked Deck
The Magic Of The Golden Zodiac
Valu-Able & Suit-Able

Englischsprachige Bücher, Festeinband, zus. Über 400 Seiten.

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* Alle auf dieser Seite ausgewiesenen Preise verstehen sich inkl. gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer und zuzüglich Versandkosten.

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