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The Boy Who Cried Magic
Andi Gladwin

Bestellnummer: 20-6434
Unser Preis: € 49,95
inkl. 7% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten


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After spending a decade producing more than 100 magic books for some of the biggest magicians in the industry, Andi Gladwin is finally releasing his own book. And it is quite possibly the most highly-anticipated book of the year!

While Andi has released numerous effects and many popular lectures, this is the first time he has ever compiled his very best card magic routines into one comprehensive magic book. Each of the 16 full routines and 15 sleights featured in this book have been carefully crafted over a lifetime of performing for every type of audience in every type of venue.

There is something for every card magician in this incredible book from Andi's amazing rapid-fire multiple selection routine known as "Fireworks" to his powerful thought-of cards across, super commercial "Whack your Phone Effect" and even a practical Triumph routine where the audience helps you mix the cards.

There's also, of course, plenty of material for the most dedicated sleight of hand card magicians, including 15 techniques such as his full work on the Master Pushoff, new moves such as the UnDo Cut and UnDo Shuffle, and a unique take on the Braue Popup that you're going to want to add directly into your Ambitious Card routine.

Beyond its remarkable contents, The Boy Who Cried Magic is quite possibly the most beautiful book Vanishing Inc. has ever produced. This breathtaking hardback book features 250 pages and 240 full color photos, all printed on premium glossy paper. The addition of a gorgeous slipcase will make this book stand out on your shelf.

"The Boy Who Cried Magic is a perfect magic book, written by the best writer in magic. The tricks are world-class performance pieces, and the book itself is stunning. Every magician should own it!"

"The Boy Who Cried Magic is one of the most beautifully-designed magic books in recent memory. It looks and feels like something you'd find in an art bookstore. As for the magic, Andi Gladwin's Undo Cut is a highly deceptive false cut that is going straight into my act."

Steve Cohen

"A stunningly produced book. Chock full of well thought-out and impactful card magic. Bravo, Andi."

Ben Harris

"A book filled with crystal clear descriptions and illustrations for powerful, commercial magic, and practical ingenious ideas."

Paul Wilson

"The Boy Who Cried Magic is a beautiful book, both inside and out."

Jim Krenz

Englischsprachiges Buch, Festeinband, Format ca. 22,5 x 16,5 cm, 250 Seiten, illustriert mit 240 Farbfotos.

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