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Sharing Secrets
Roberto Giobbi

Bestellnummer: 20-6487
Unser Preis: € 64,95
inkl. 7% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten


Sharing Secrets: The 52 Most Important and Practical Strategies in Magic.
Bringing simplicity to a complex world: The key strategies of magic revealed.

Reading this book will make you revise all the magic you do. I know of no other book in magic that is better food for thought.
Rafael Benatar

This book is brilliant!
Michael Frohnmeyer

The content and format of this book are unique. Roberto is a brilliant thinker, whose opinions will shape magic for years to come,
Bob Farmer

There is far more to a trick than its mechanics and presentation. In this book, best-selling author Roberto Giobbi discusses the essential ingredients of artistic magic, the hallmark of all successful magicians. Never before have these closely guarded secrets been identified, named or explained in such a detailed yet succinct manner, all in a single volume. The concepts are illustrated with a first-rate trick, technique or presentation from Roberto’s working repertoire, written in a clear, engaging style. Studying this book will change the way you view and practice magic.

The Book:

  • Hardback with full-color cover
  • 160 pages
  • Printed and bound to the highest standards, with sown pages, round back and headband
  • Printed on acid-free, matt paper for easy reading
  • Includes an elegant and practical book-band
  • Ca. 100 photos and drawings
  • 15 first-rate tricks
  • 53 polyvalent concepts
  • Over 60 techniques and subtleties


You Cannot Not Have a Theory

To Practice and Instill a Theory

How to Read This Book

Actions of Confirmation
Actions of Confirmation… in Action

Actions of Conviction
Dai Vernon’s “Ectoplasmic Aces”

Active/Passive Technique
The “In-flagranti Degree”

Actus Interruptus
Card to Wallet, Pardon, to Wallet…

Apparent Continuity
Actions of Apparent Continuity… Continued

Be Natural
Naturalness in Practice

Be Yourself
Magician and Actor – Two Professions

Butterfly Effect
The Butterfly in Effect

Clouding Question
Just Imagine…

Torn and Restored Thread

Instructions on Construction by Juan Tamariz

Degrees of Freedom
Table of Degrees of Freedom

Emotions in Magic
Visible and Invisible World

The Eye
Practical Examples

A Picture Says More Than a 1000 Words...

The Goldin Pass

Halo Effect
The Halo Effect in Real Life

Handling in Practice

Initial & Final Situation
Oil and Water… and More Water

Positive and Negative Insertions in Practice

Intelligent Movements
Intelligent Movements in Practice

Internal/External Reality
Natural Miracle

In-transit Actions
In-transit in Action

Matching the Cards

The Look-Ma-no-hands Theory in Practice

Magic Atmosphere
Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno

Magic-Effect Field
Search for an Ideal Effect - Chicago Opener

Magic Pyramid/Iceberg
The Magic Pyramid and Magic Iceberg

The Magic Way
The Magic Way Across the Rainbow

Managing Management

Memory Editing
Memory-Editing Techniques in Practice

Midwife Theory
The Midwife Theory in Practice

Monkey Scale
The Monkey Scale

Morphology in Magic
To Remove a Deck From the Box

Ode to the Pause

Presentation and Plot
The Marvelous Book

Principle of Recap
Let’s Review… the Principle of Recap…

Prologue and Epilogue
Prologues to Ponder

Dice and Aces


Run-chase Theory
I have a normal deck here…

Selective Perception
Seeing is Believing

Shadow Theory
Out of the Shadow

How Simple is Simplicity?

Daley’s Great Card Discovery

Strong and Weak Beats
Slydini’s “One Coin Routine”

Studying Magic
How to Study Magic

Subliminal Suggestion
The Trick That Can Be Explained

Symbols in Magic


Too-Perfect Theory
The Persian Flaw

Triple Prediction

Waiter’s Theory
Waiter’s Theory and Actions of Recall in Practice

Four Coins Through Table in Glass

The 13 Golden Rules of Magic

Favorite Quotations on Theory

Artistic Magic

The Lists



Lest I Forget…


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