Fake Genius contains 20 real world worker effects from the devious mind of Steve Cook. He has received worldwide acclaim for his effects, such as: Symbol, Volition, The Stealth Case, ID, Die-Abolicall and many more.
Book Contents:
Requisite Items
Points of View - Part One
Instant Credit
Sun & Moon Caper Redux
Assorted Anecdotes 1
Points of View 2
Character, Physicality & Visuality
Bottled 'n' Boxed
Assorted Anecdotes 2
The Watch
Points of View 3
The Tag
Assorted Anecdotes 3
Chinese Chance
The Err, Hmm Syndrome
Love for Orson
Orson Welles - A Few Anecdotes
Points of View 4
Face Time
Assorted Anecdotes 4
Points of View 5
Solid Gold
Assorted Anecdotes 5
Why Do We Do What We Do?
The Miracle Blindfold Card Act
Champion of the World
Get Familiar with Steve Cook
Acclaim for the work of Steve Cook:
"Steve is highly unique in that he lives and breathes mystery ... it is in his blood ... if mystery is the source of true art, then Steve's work epitomises this ... anyone who gets to spend time with Steve will tell you how precious it is ... I for one will always treasure the memories."
- Michael Murray
"Steve Cook is truly one-of-a-kind, a gentleman conjurer who manages to create magic that fits modem needs. A shocking amount of Steve's effects are in the acts of magicians and mentalists around the world."
- Liam Montier
"Steve Cook REALLY IS a magical genius!"
- Steve Dela
"A creative genius who walks amongst us. Top quality material from a man who even allowed me once to pull a gun on him!"
- Jay Adkins
"Steve is one of the most creative and generous people I have ever met . He's a freaking genius!"
- Gary Jones
"Steve's routines are always meticulously thought through and are, without exception, even more magical than the sum of their parts."
- Darren Woolf
"I have another title for this book - "Future Classics V2." I also have another name for Steve every time he fools me, but I'm afraid that is definitely unprintable!"
- Steve Haresign
Englischsprachiges Buch, Festeinband, Format 24,5 x 16,5 cm.